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The median sales price for homes in Bonita Springs Estero Florida Bonita Beach, is $9,550,000. This is based on 2 sales. Average price per square foot for Bonita Springs Estero Florida Bonita Beach was $1,915.00. The average bedrooms is 4 and the average number of bathrooms is 4. There are currently 14 properties for sale in Bonita Springs Estero Florida Bonita Beach. The current average listing price for homes for sale in Bonita Springs Estero Florida Bonita Beach is $8,122,000. The average days on the market for properties in Bonita Springs Estero Florida Bonita Beach is 80. The average asking price for Bonita Springs Estero Florida Bonita Beach properties is $9,750,000. Also, the actual selling price is $9,550,000. The difference between the average asking and selling price is -2.05%.
Active Properties Statistics
Properties On Market
Single Family: 13Townhouse: 1
Avg. Asking Price
Single Family: $8,593,000Townhouse: $1,999,000
Avg. Beds & baths
Single Family: 4/4Townhouse: 4/3
Avg. Asking Price Per Sqft
Single Family: $2007Townhouse: $723
Sold Properties
Average Asking Price
Single Family: $9,750,000Average Selling Price
Single Family: $9,550,000Selling vs Asking Price
Single Family: -2.05%Avg. Days On Market
Single Family: 107* These market statistics are not guaranteed to be accurate. The statistics are meant only as an estimate. Contact your agent for more detailed statistics.
Featured Listings
27804 Hickory
Bonita Springs,
FL 34134
Development: Bonita Beach
Status: A-Active, MLS#: 224094484
- 7243 Sqft
- 5
- 6
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Listing Courtesy of:
Barry DeNicola Realty Inc
27566 Hickory
Bonita Springs,
FL 34134
Development: Bonita Beach
Status: A-Active, MLS#: 223043130
- 6984 Sqft
- 5
- 7
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Listing Courtesy of:
Barry DeNicola Realty Inc
26532 Hickory
Bonita Springs,
FL 34134
Development: Bonita Beach
Status: Pending, MLS#: 223082673
- 5303 Sqft
- 6
- 6
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Listing Courtesy of:
Potter Trinity
26756 Hickory
Bonita Springs,
FL 34134
Development: Bonita Beach
Status: A-Active, MLS#: 224102856
- 5003 Sqft
- 5
- 5
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Listing Courtesy of:
John R Wood Properties
27290 Hickory
Bonita Springs,
FL 34134
Development: Bonita Beach
Status: A-Active, MLS#: 224098046
- 3132 Sqft
- 4
- 4
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Listing Courtesy of:
Barry DeNicola Realty Inc
27524 Hickory
Bonita Springs,
FL 34134
Development: Bonita Beach
Status: A-Active, MLS#: 224071166
- 3699 Sqft
- 4
- 4
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Listing Courtesy of:
John R Wood Properties
27733 Hickory
Bonita Springs,
FL 34134
Development: Bonita Beach
Status: A-Active, MLS#: 224047444
- 3915 Sqft
- 4
- 5
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Listing Courtesy of:
Barry DeNicola Realty Inc
27863 Hickory
Bonita Springs,
FL 34134
Development: Bonita Beach
Status: A-Active, MLS#: 224093382
- 2251 Sqft
- 5
- 4
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Listing Courtesy of:
John R Wood Properties
27781 Kings Kew
Bonita Springs,
FL 34134
Development: Bonita Beach
Status: A-Active, MLS#: 224040229
- 3095 Sqft
- 5
- 3
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Listing Courtesy of:
John R Wood Properties
25851 Hickory
Bonita Springs,
FL 34134
Development: Bonita Beach
Status: Pending, MLS#: 224044357
- 2765 Sqft
- 4
- 3
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Listing Courtesy of:
Premiere Plus Realty Company
27757 Hickory
Bonita Springs,
FL 34134
Development: Bonita Beach
Status: A-Active, MLS#: 224047848
- 1150 Sqft
- 3
- 2
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Listing Courtesy of:
Potter Trinity
5730 Marimin
Bonita Springs,
FL 34134
Development: Bonita Beach
Status: A-Active, MLS#: 224068887
- 1721 Sqft
- 4
- 3
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Listing Courtesy of:
Barry DeNicola Realty Inc